5 min readJan 7, 2021


Dear friends,

I tried to write something meaningful and empowering in response to the fiasco we witnessed at our nation’s Capitol yesterday. I tried to form something that made sense but I am honestly still processing the reality of the future for me, my family and my community. Nevertheless, I still felt compelled to express what is on my heart.

When I look and reflect on the many images from yesterday’s attempted coup, there are three images that I ask you take a real five minutes (go on, set your smart watch!) to immerse yourself and to try to understand the reality of being Black in America.

“I pledge allegiance to the Trump flag of the divided states of White America. And to the White individual, for which I stand, one superior group, under a false White God, intentionally divisive with liberty and justice for Whites.” -MB

These are the words I hear spoken out of each and every person who stormed The Capitol Building (which, may I remind you, was built on the backs of slaves) and made an intentional mockery of our nation. They made a mockery of this country by showing the truth of what lies beneath the surface of our picket fences and perfectly manicured lawns of suburbia. Christ says that all things will be revealed in His time and it is clear from yesterday that White power still reigns. The reality that we live in an oppressive state has sunk deeper in the heart of every minority, but especially those hearts belonging to the Black diaspora.

I do not want to make this a blog post where you think I am angry about the Caucasity that, evidently, we will have to deal with until we die. The point of this blog is to reflect on the numbness to American injustice that once felt exclusive to minorities that has spread through the entire world as the display of force showed no regard to legality, decency, moral or social consciousness. Let me be clear — Black people are not entirely surprised at what took place yesterday. Some of us went to bed after mentally noting the sickening silence of the White moderate (oh yes, we see you…) with a seed of motivation in our spirit. We continued to make plans to build and create an inheritance for our children and their children while the country watched horrified at the tv screen. We pondered what blessing is coming around the corner for us and our families because God has and will continue to restore all of those who have been mistreated to true freedom. Some of us woke up this morning and heard the sound of the birds outside and remembered that God provides abundantly for them and will continue to do so no matter what evils are at their door. Some of us have not even heard the news that the President unleashed his most dedicated followers on The Capitol because they are too bothered with maintaining and building their own household to have time to know what transpired yesterday. Some of us are still reeling with the realization that some can obtain the extremes of power, abuse it and still go unchecked.

Let us take time this morning to remember that nothing is by coincidence. Every thing in life is meant to be a puzzle piece that God has created to complete the messy story of human history. He sent “Moses” to the south to free the slaves. He sent many others to give us the vision of the mountain top. He sent each and every one of us real strength and grit to rise up against the oppressors of this world, despite their arrogance, who continue to try to mentally and physically enslave us through intimidation, force and unjust systemic practices.

To my friends and allies — I see you. I lament with you. Yesterday was the response to the dare of rejecting racism. We will not be shaken. This is, yet, another reminder that we are on the right path towards justice and peace. The dark does not like to be exposed in light, but nevertheless, Jesus will reveal all injustices. Justice will prevail. Remember, the hardest part of being aware is still being able to love. We must love our neighbors, even at this time, though difficult and filled with hard truth, so that they too may see that the way of unity and oneness is the path needed for restoration. Do not let this scare you, but instead, motivate you. You are great. You are powerful. You are worthy.

To all the other readers on this page — I see you. And I implore you to see me. What we witnessed yesterday is the truth. It is reality. It is not fake news. You have the power within you to have dominion over that feeling of anger inside of you. You have the power to tell those around you who saw yesterday’s display of divisiveness that this is not the way of love. I pray that you choose to love your neighbor. Stand up against White supremacy and dictatorship. It is what God asks of you. If you are silent, you are in full agreement with the status of supreme whiteness and its earthly dominion over democracy. We must love our neighbors, even at this time, though it may only be through tough love and hard truth so that they too may see that the way of unity and oneness is the path needed for restoration. Do not let this scare you, but instead, motivate you. You are great. You are powerful. You are worthy.

God bless you and may you be filled with His grace and peace.





. Lover of Rest. I love to write for fun, to heal and to process. I share some of my stuff from time to time.